
what is coaching?

What exactly is coaching?

Coaching is a powerful and non-judgmental transformational process. The coach listens actively and uses curiosity, questions and inquiry to unlock the personal, spiritual and professional potential in individuals. Champion Influence® coaches partner with coachees to facilitate progress by not only amplifying potential but also extracting the coachees’ barriers to goal attainment such as distractions, interferences and limiting beliefs. 

In general, coaching is a personal development intervention and equipping method that improves thinking, increases awareness, and intensifies the responsibility and ability of the coachee to make stable and sustaining choices for future success.

Want to learn more? Submit your email address for a free download of the introduction to my book, The Handbook to Coach Yourself!

Why do people seek coaching?

People seek coaching for the following 3 reasons:

  1. They want to solve problems. 

  2. They want to improve their performance.

  3. They want to develop and achieve long and short term goals.

In 2018 The Columbia Business School surveyed 10,000 people and sought to answer whether or not people would enter into a coaching relationship and for what reasons. The majority of the respondents said that they would participate in coaching. Many said they wanted coaching to help with work/life integrations, leadership effectiveness and changing habits. 

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Here is a breakdown of the survey results:

  • 30% wanted coaching relative to integrity, life, purpose, creativity and vision

  • 17% wanted coaching for cross-cultural competencies, entrepreneurial activities and leading teams

  • 16% wanted coaching for leadership and management improvements

  • 8% wanted coaching for managing relationships 

  • 8% wanted coaching for career development, career transition and future job planning

In summary, coaching empowers people to become the best version of themselves so that they can live a fulfilled life, actualize their vision and goals and contribute positively to society.

Do you feel like you could benefit from personal coaching? Click the button below to learn more.

the champion influence® coaching certification

As you may already be aware, the coaching industry is not a government-regulated profession. We know that those who seek training, education or certification in coaching have better success with their coachees. 

The Champion Influence® Coaching Certification Programs help professionals gain flexibility and financial freedom by becoming solid coaches and strategically helping others enter the coaching industry.

The Champion Influence® Coaching Certification Programs are administered in two ways: 

  1. A three-day weekend, in-class learning intensive with a completion ceremony facilitated in Hartsville, SC.

  2. A four-week, distance learning moderate with an online completion ceremony facilitated worldwide.

Both formats are action-packed, interactive, and designed to teach you coaching techniques, help you operate as a coaching leader in organizations and start or enhance your own coaching practice. The programs equip you to empower and transform your coachees through unlocking their potential using the SEATS Model of Coaching, coaching competencies and coaching ethics, along with specific and intentional professional faculty supervision and guidance. You will also be positioned to successfully integrate the Champion Influence® Coaching & Leadership Curriculum in your work and with the teams you lead. 


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In the Champion Influence® Certified Coaching Certification Program, you will

  • Become a Certified Coach

  • Learn the coaching profession and techniques

  • Understand how to coach confidently

  • Apply engaging and interactive facilitation skills

  • Facilitate the Champion Influence® Coaching & Leadership Curriculum

  • Be eligible for The Coaching Seat® C-ED Platform Membership

  • Be eligible for our International Speaker/Facilitator Platform

  • Be eligible to publish in the Coaches Anthology Series

  • Be eligible to obtain Professional Development CEU's (min # required)

  • Be eligible to be featured on a Global Media Platform

Are you interested in becoming a coach? Click the button below to learn more.


Click the video below for more information about the certification


Learn more about Toyinda by clicking the button below.